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Letter from Dr. Cole

Dear NASCON Friends,
I do not know if it was my mom or kindergarten teacher who first taught me The Golden Rule, but I am positive it was the most revered and basic life axiom impressed upon me in childhood and through my formative years. What has happened dear people of America? I am concerned we have lost our national compass and must scramble hard to find it immediately. Join your tender hands with mine and promise me to make these words come alive. Our beloved nation needs each of us and I am sure we can make a difference. Start with your neighbor.

As a young adult I came to realize that the golden rule came from the bible which has been my guidepost for living since about the age of twenty-three. This age old refrain came from Jesus himself about two thousand years ago; in response to a question he was asked by the most educated Pharisees, “Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the Law?” to which He responded, “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, all of your soul and all of your mind, and likewise your neighbor as your own self.” (Matthew 22: 36-40) I was astonished to discover that The Golden Rule had its origin in the Holy Scriptures inspired by almighty God himself, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Matthew 7:20) In fact Jesus goes absurdly further to exhort the curious throngs of seekers who were listening,
“….and love your enemies the same.” (Matthew 5: 41-48, Luke 6: 37-42) We must all reach high and grip hard to this ideal so we can change our country from the inside out.

The Golden Rule is relevant to my becoming a doctor and trauma surgeon, which means it is relevant to how I came to know you dear patients and friends of NASCON. I was drawn to this specialty because it would bring me into contact with the entire tapestry of humanity and often at its lowest point and time of greatest need. That is the type of love I would want shown me should I become unfortunate to break my bones and bust my body. I take this privilege very seriously and I worked hard for it.

As I write this letter our USA is convulsing through an election process which will be challenging for every citizen. I cannot possibly leave you this end of historic year with a more important message. If we are to save our proud existence as Americans we must love our enemies as our own selves and watch God respond with miracles.
I believe He will. I believe!

With Gratitude,
Peter A. Cole, M.D.
Division Medical Director, HealthPartners Medical Group Orthopaedics Chair, Orthopaedic Department, Regions Hospital
Professor, University of Minnesota